Thursday, June 14, 2012

Final Design Proposal

This placement on the site was chosen so that the building would be between the two existing sheds, allowing a view across the river, and allow room to create an access point to the road but without being to close to the bridge (for noise reasons - also the trees on the bank grow more densely towards the bridge and this wouldn't work well with the design)

This shows a closer view of the building on the site as well as the access paths to the building. It also shows how the parkland will be redeveloped with more grassy area and trees

This diagrammatic section shows the space allocation within the building. The library levels are placed so they get the best views from the building (apart from the look out - but then thats all about views). This also shows how the building will be backed onto the rockwall of the site - once it has been reconditioned, it will provide the back wall for the building, with each level going in to it more as the slope goes up

This gives an impression of what the inside of the building will look like on the library levels. Take note of the pillars running through the interior of the building. These are information pillars. They connect between levels (bringing the building together spatially) and on the library level they connect to the learning "pods" where devices will be connected (whether it be the users own device like a laptop, or if it is one of the libraries own tablet pcs which will be available for use by anyone with a library account. In addition to this, lighting will be placed on these info pillars to enhance the user experience (both on the library levels and the entry/cafe level)

On the ground level there are two entry points: the main one on the front of the building and a secondary one (closer to the elevator) towards the right. There is a bar/cafe as you walk into the building, this joins through the facade to make a window for service without having to enter the building if you're in a rush or on your bike and you don't feel like chaining it up somewhere. This effectively creates like a little coffee pitstop. This view also shows how the pillars connect down from the building facade and become part of the surrounding area, creating an interesting experience as you walk through the parklands

This is the main library level and has access to the study areas which overlook the river through the facade. This is also where the data center will be - a place where you can digitally hire books from the library (maybe through file duration or something like that, depending on legal reasons) you can download then straight to your device or usb or also through the librarys wifi. The main study space has desks while the secondary one to the right has movable, more cushy kinda seats (think kind of like whats in level four of the uni library at gp)

This level has function rooms, which may be hired over the phone, online or through the librarys help desk on the 1st floor. The larger room on the left is where community classes (like yoga/fitness or arts/crafts) will be held, again bookings can be made in the same manor as for the function rooms. If the rooms aren't booked out, they can general use for anyone interested.

This level will have a few open plan offices for staff use

This level has a cinema/theater which will also hold screening events to encourage local productions, again showing the community focus. on this level there is also server and plant rooms, allowing easier road access for maintenance and keeping them away from the treat of flooding (mangrove metaphor). This level is also completely enclosed as natural lighting is not necessary

This level is the access point from the street level and doubles as a lookout over the river. You will also be able to look down and see the pillar formations of the building

This reference image shows how the spaces are laid out within the building. Also note how there are more openings in the facade on the lower levels

This gives a view of the entry level, showing the info pillars which have extended down from the upper levels and provide decorative lighting. You can also see the window in the facade behind the bar for cafe pitstop service. This level will feel very open, keeping with the mangrove metaphor of more spread space and minimal building mass on the lower level to protect from potential flooding, and also because it kind of feels like its part of the parklands, making the transition into the building more subtle

This shows what it would be like in part of the library. People sitting in the areas connected to the info pillars, the open vertical space, allowing a much clearer look through the facade, really bringing the user into the environment around them, but also providing a kind of "safe zone" but having a lower ceiling level towards the back of the building because of the mezzanine

A view of the building on the site and how it backs onto the rock wall behind, also showing some of the redeveloped parklands.

This gives a look into what the user might experience when approaching the building. The pillars integrate smoothly with the surrounding environment without feeling intrusive, while the building looks spacious and inviting to passers-by. The internal info pillars are visible from the outside, giving it a likeness to the pillars working their way into the parklands. This concept could be spread across the site, with pillars reaching from the rockwall over the pathway further up or down the site, making the approach to the building again more gradual

This is a view from the bridge of the building at night. The internal lighting contrasts with the form of the building to create an interesting view for people near the site

This view shows the building from the pathway, the pillars reaching out above the pedestrians, the internal view of the building slightly visible, inviting you in for a closer look

The data center will be here next to the reception desk as you enter the 1st floor from the elevator

This image shows the view from inside the library at the study area. You can look up and see the levels above, at the higher point the ceiling slopes to join with the facade. Info pillars connect to the ceiling and different levels of the library, following a gentle curve, contrasting somewhat of the pillars on the facade

This is another internal view, this time showing a higher view of the same space in different lighting conditions (more similar to daylight). Interesting shadows are cast by the light entering the building and the user becomes more aware of the space around them and how the spaces are interconnected

This view is just to give a better impression of the distribution for the info pillars and how the spaces are all connected, with the largest open area being that in the study area of the library. The building backs onto the rockwall, supporting the different levels (with help from the facade pillars), you can see spaces in the model where the wall will be visible

This view gives an impression of what the user might experience looking down from the street-level lookout at night. You can see the light from inside the building hitting the pillars below and creating an intense reflection on the rivers surface. There aren't many other large buildings directly near this library, so at night there won't be much else light cast upon the river, making the effect all the more powerful

This is a final montage of images of the building/model

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Week 13 - Design Development

This week I have put together my floor plans, I'll redraw them soon, but for now I have my spaces sorted out. Red arrows indicate navigation around each level, blue lines indicate where the canopy goes.
 Ground Floor: 2 access points to building, leads to elevator, cafe, seating, garden area, cafe pit-stop (from window), kitchen (for cafe)

1st Floor: elevator access, leads to reception/help desk (storage room behind reception), display area near elevator/reception, data center (digital downloads), open study space and leads to more private study areas (still open, but some partitioning), stairs to mezzanine/lvl2, bathrooms, storage/maintenance closet.

2nd Floor/Mezzanine: stair/elevator access, function room and lounge area, office area

3rd Floor and diagrammatic section: the 3rd floor will have a small cinema as well as the plant room and room for library data servers (these will be on opposite side of cinema to minimize noise pollution, keeping these on top level will make maintenance easier because of road access and will keep some of the most expensive equipment away from potential flood damage).
Blue shows ground level; yellow shows level 1/library main area - note the way the pillars come down and are visible from both level 1 & 2; orange shows level 2/mezzanine and its view through the pillars; purple shows the cinema level - the shape of the ceiling below helps to shape the seating area; pink shows the roof access level - this has a lookout and roof garden and access to the building core elevators.

I think the design has progressed quite a lot, I just need to better communicate it through more precise drawings and a model. It interacts with the surrounding area, but I might delve into this a bit more when coming up with the model. It maintains the interactive aspect which was part of our folie's main purpose - leading people into the structure and creating an interactive surrounding through the form.